Sony Releases new PS4 ‘Black Friday – Best Place To Play 2015’ Ad


To kick off Thanksgiving and show why PlayStation continues to be the best place to game, Sony has released a new PS4 ad. Dubbed ‘Black Friday – Best Place to Play 2015,’ the new ad emphasis on a exclusives like Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and 3rd party titles that offer something more on PlayStation like Star Wars Battlefront, Destiny, and Call of Dusty: Black Ops 3.

Finally Sony points out the new $299 price tag which is valid till the 30th. It was just revealed that Star Wars Battlefield has more players on PS4 than on Xbox One and PC Combined. PS4 also just crossed the 30 million units sold marker, owning more than 50% of the market. You can say things are going well for Sony on the gaming front.

Now mobile, that’s a different story. Ad can be found after the jump.


What do you think of the new ad?