The Best PSP Games Of All Time

The Best PSP Games Of All Time

Just a few short years ago, the world waited in anticipation for the release Sony’s very first portable handheld. Some even said that the new system would knock Nintendo off of its portable gaming throne. They said that the PSP would be the defacto choice when people wanted to game on-the-go. Well it’s now 2012, and while many of these were not realized, millions still think that the PSP was, and perhaps still is, a powerful device that didn’t quite meet its potential.

We can play the blame game and blame it on corporate bullheadedness, or the UMD, or the lack of fresh, original games. But the PSP was home to some of the best (though many underappreciated) games of this generation. Check out the list after the break.

But before we start the list, here are some honorable mentions:

  • Monster Hunter PSP Series
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
  • Jeanne D’arc
  • Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
  • Persona 3 Portable (P3P)
  • Resistance: Retribution
  • Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
  • Patapon Series

And now, onto the five best games on the PSP.

5. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

A prequel to the much loved PS1 RPG, Crisis Core tells the story of Zack Fair, a SOLDIER from Cloud’s past and one of the important players within the Final Fantasy VII lore. The battle system was more Kingdom Hearts and less Final Fantasy, but the action-focused role-player kept the story going forward. And what a story it was, Zack’s tragic and heartfelt adventure set the stage for Cloud to become the hero that he’s supposed to be. I still remember the wave of nostalgia hitting me as the opening scene of Final Fantasy VII was re-created to act as an epilogue for Crisis Core. It was a fitting beginning and end for the series, and a mighty playable one at that.


4. Silent Hill: Origins/Shattered Memories

Both PSP Silent Hill offerings gave fans more of what they wanted out of the series. Origins brought about the beginnings of the town’s secret evil, and Shattered Memories re-envisioned the original Silent Hill into an original and spine-tingling tale full of psychology that played with the players as much as the players played with it. Both games pushed the handheld to its graphical limits; with Shattered Memories boasting realistic lighting that had never been seen on the PSP.


3. Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow

While the Syphon Filter series recieved its fair share of success on the original PlayStation, the series never got rid the metal gear clone stigma that came with its release. Fast forward to Dark Mirror’s release on the PSP; it was a game that told people that shooters can be done on the system if developers took the time to get around the PSP’s limitations. The game was successful in its run. A few years later, Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow was released and improved upon everything that made Dark Mirror such a success. The single player game was bigger, had a better story, with improved aiming and gameplay mechanics. Gabriel Logan had found a new home in the PSP. And oh boy did he make it big.


2. God of War: Chains of Olympus/Ghost of Sparta

Who said that the God of War series wouldn’t look or play as good on the PSP? They must’ve crapped their pants when they saw both games running on the aging PSP hardware. Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta are perfect examples of developers harnessing the power and potential of a portable handheld. Not only did players get full-on God of War experiences on the palm of their hands, they got to experience some of Kratos’ most tragic moments with storylines that were as good, if not better than their console counterparts. Perhaps Kratos is Sony’s King Midas. Everything he touches turns to multi-million sellers.


1. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

A game so big that it needed an install just so players can hear characters’ conversations, MGS: Peace Walker is Hideo Kojima’s best game in the Metal Gear franchise. Millions even consider it a better game than the PlayStation 3′s Metal Gear Solid 4. Players get to continue Big Boss’ adventure as he hunts down nukes  and uncovers a vast conspiracy deep in Central American jungles. All the while building his Military without borders into what would eventually be called Outer Heaven. Single player was fun, the story was top-notch, voice acting was perfect, and the shooting mechanics much improved upon from Portable Ops. Not to mention that Peace Walker featured a cooperative shooting experience never before seen on a handheld. If you’re going to play one PSP game in your lifetime, play MGS: Peace Walker.


What’s your favorite PSP game? Let us know in the comments section!