Domino's Blu Tuesday!

Back again for another look at this week’s blu-ray releases.  This week I’m very, very excited for  Shutter Island.  I’ll be the first to admit Leonardo DiCaprio is my favorite actor.  This is not in any way an “Oh he’s so cute” reason, (although he’s not bad on the eyes)  I  believe he is a brilliant actor and continues to blow me away in all of his performances.   Shutter Island is one of the best movies I’ve seen so far this year, and I can’t even get into how excited I am for Inception, it’s a slight obsession.  Ok enough of Leo and back to blu-ray releases.

Two other movie releases that appeal to my taste are From Paris with Love and The Illusionist.  I haven’t seen From Paris yet, but this is definitely a renter for me and I wanted to catch it in theaters.  The Illusionist came out around the same time as The Prestige, both films about magic and illusion with a romance sub-plot and both were great.  I will admit I loved The Prestige more, but the Illusionist was a very enjoyable film that will be on my blu-ray ‘to buy’ list.

Lastly, I must mention a blu-ray set that I forgot to include last week that will be added to my collection, Life.  For fans of the incredibly beautiful, Planet Earth,  Discovery channel did a similar 10 episode series on wild life around the world.  The few episodes I’ve seen, I watch with my jaw open.  It’s really amazing seeing what these animals do to survive and the beautiful shots that were captured.   I should note that there are two versions of Life, one has narration by David Attenborough, and the other is narration by Oprah Winfrey.  Numerous reviews say go with David’s version, it’s slightly more expensive but worth it from the more interesting commentary.