Can You Change Your PSN ID? Could Be Possible, Someday…

I’m sure there are many of you that would love to change or even tweak your current PSN ID name. I am one of them.  Right now I am Domino_237 (feel free to add me) and would love to just be Domino or lose the underscore. Anyway, this is a requested feature PS3 users have wanted for a while. Last week it was reported/rumored that hackers found this feature “hidden inside the Playstation Plus”. Although Sony has never announced this, Jeff Rubenstein, Social Media Manager for the US Playstation Blog said:

 It’s an idea that’s been brought up multiple times, and it’s something I’d like to see as well. I dont’ think there are any current plans to enact this, however, I’ll bring it up again. 

So we can only hope something will be implemented by Sony from our requests and desires. Even if this feature is just for Playstation Plus users, it’ll be great. For now, people who REALLY need their ID changed will have to start a new account, start from scratch regardless of how high their ranking is on Modern Warfare is, how many friends they have or how many trophies they’ve earned. I personally don’t see too many people willing to do that.