Sony’s New WiFi eReader, the PRS-T1 Hits FCC

Man oh man! If Sony isn’t going to announce them, the FCC is sure as hell going to let you know about new products from Sony. This round, however, the focus is shifting from the Sony Ericsson line to Sony’s Reader lineup. The PRS-T1 is the latest WiFi eReader to hit the FCC and although we can’t 100% confirm that it will be a eReader from Sony, the fact that previous eReaders from Sony have had the PRS as their starting code and that the back of the regulatory label is titled with “Digital Book Reader” will put us in 99.9%-sure category. Besides the fact that the FCC has approved the unit’s built-in WiFi, we don’t have much other information to go off of. All I can say is that I hope Sony’s new lineup of Readers also ushers in a new lower price point, seeing how Amazon continues to offer lower and lower priced Kindles, which is exactly what the consumer wants.


Does Sony need to focus on the lower price point eReaders market or should they continue to pursue the more premium, but lower volume sales market?

[Via FCC]