PlayStation Vita Memory Cards Officially Priced. Cheaper Than Earlier Reported

Many websites, including us, jumped on the bandwagon when GameStop listed its prices for the PlayStation Vita memory cards. The PS Vita memory cards which will come in 4, 8, 16, and 32GB variations will be available on February 15th, right along side of the PS Vita launch and were originally thought to be priced as follows:

  • 4GB – $29.99
  • 8GB – $44.99
  • 16GB – $69.99
  • 32GB – $119.99

However, we should have known that, like always, GameStop has no real prior knowledge of Sony’s strategy or pricing scheme. Because of this, GameStop just listed the prices they thought were correct, in which case they happened to  be off by nearly 20%. Today, Sony has announced the real pricing of the memory cards and they are much more in line with other flash-based cards out there.

  • 4GB – $19.99
  • 8GB – $29.99
  • 16GB – $59.99
  • 32GB – $99.99

Sure it might not be here for Christmas but this should but a smile on everyone’s face, especially those who are budget sensitive which I believe is 99% of us. Find the comment section, after the jump.


Does the new PlayStation Vita memory card pricing sit much better with you?