Twisted Metal Live Chat with David Jaffe (today at 3:30 PST)

We are hosting a live chat with Twisted Metal co-creator, David Jaffe, who will be answering all of your questions about the upcoming PlayStation exclusive, Twisted Metal. With the game set to launch on February 14th, PS3 owners can now download a demo of the long-time PlayStation franchise and dive into the game’s multiplayer. We invite you to join us as we sit down and chat with David about Twisted Metal and highly recommend that you have a list of questions ready for our chat today.

For those who want to join the live chat, please click on the link bellow. The chat room itself will be open prior to David joining us which will happen at 3:30 PST. No accounts are required for this.

Join the live chat!

Twisted Metal is set to release February 14, 2012. Ordering with Amazon links from our site helps pay for the site’s servers and programs.