We Unbox the Sony E-mount 18-200mm Lens (SEL18200)

Prior to CES, I begin the week long ritual of checking and playing with equipment needed to capture the show. This can include basic things such as adapters or fairly expensive additions like new lenses. For the past few years, I’ve captured CES using an NEX-5N with a 18-55mm lens. What I’ve liked about the lens is how lightweight it is, complementing the NEX line. Still, I’ve been missing out some necessary shots due to a lack of zoom on the lens. Arguably, the best all around lenses in the market are 18-200 which allow for close up shots, be it video or photo while giving you a considerable boost when need to capture something from a distance.

With that mindset, I purchased the Sony SEL18200 E-mount lens to help capture CES in a new way. Make no mistake, the lens weighs considerably more and it’s a far larger piece to take around. Yet with built-in image stabilization and zoom that doesn’t sacrifice close-up shots, this new E-mount lens might be the difference between missing a moment and capturing it all.

You can check out our unboxing in the video above and we’ll have a more in depth take on the lens post-CES.


What’s your lens of choice?