Sony a6300 Low Light Video Is Impressive


Just last week, I shared an unboxing of the a6300 by John Sison. Since then, the avid photographer has released a new video showcasing the camera’s low light ability and it’s damn impressive. Alongside some incredible footage, thanks to the camera’s 23-megapixel image sensor, Sony has also crammed their latest with 4K video and a really cool Face Registration program that’s surely useful for professional (or family) use in crowded areas.

What I quite like about the video from John is that it’s real. He’s not using a tripod and other rigs to get the best possible quality from the camera which to me begin to wield unlikely results. Instead he simply grabs the camera and walks around the city and records footage which is likely what many of us would do. From John:

In this video I show you how well the Sony a6300 does in low light situations while filming video.

 This was shot with the Carl Zeiss 16-70mm F4 lens in ISO settings between ISO 800-25600.

Shot in XAVCS HD at 25p 50M. 

After the jump, the video.


What do you think of the A6300’s ability in low light?