PlayStation sponsors bootcamp to get young girls into tech


Jake Tucker writes for develop online:

 PlayStation is backing a Liverpool-based “bootcamp” by Liverpool Girl Geeks that’s aiming to get more local girls working in the technology and video games sectors.

This six-week Bootcamp is for school age girls aged from 11 to 14, and will be held at Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle starting next month. Sony’s PlayStation brand has signed up to sponsor it, with their endorsement ringing a clear bell that projects like this should be supported. 

Bravo to PlayStation for investing in getting young girls involved with technology. One of the biggest challenges tech faces is diversity within their ranks, be it of minorities or that of women and a key part of that is lack of investment from early on in those communities. Some of the most talented people that I know at PlayStation happen to come from all different walks of life and to be given that opportunity from early on. To be told that these different carrier paths exist make a huge difference in one’s path, especially when so much stigma and stereotypes still exist regarding what one should be when they grow up.

Michelle Tilley, senior release manager at PlayStation:

 There is a gender imbalance within our technology sector and we need to take action now to ensure a more balanced and inclusive industry for the future. The games industry is an amazing place to work so we should actively encourage young women to join it by inspiring, championing and empowering them to achieve their dreams. I believe by supporting Liverpool Girl Geeks we are working towards this culture change. 

And yes, I do realize the irony of the photo above. Hopefully someone at PlayStation PR decides to have a talk with the foundation because it’s probably in good taste to show off some of your sponsor’s product in your banner image.