Video Game Lobby speaks out against Donald’s ban on immigrants


As you may have heard, starting on Saturday, the US issued a ban on travelers and dual-nationals from Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Syria, making it nearly impossible for them to enter the country. The ban, which is unprecedented, has sent ripples throughout the tech and gaming community which employ talent from all around the world.

Now, the Entertainment Software Association, which represents the U.S. gaming industry, is speaking about Donald’s ban on immigrants.

 Washington, D.C. – January 30, 2017 – The Entertainment Software Association (ESA), which represents the U.S. video game industry, issued the following statement in response to new travel policy implemented this past weekend.

The Entertainment Software Association urges the White House to exercise caution with regard to vital immigration and foreign worker programs. As a leading force in technology and exporter of entertainment, the U.S. video game industry thrives on the contributions of innovators and storytellers from around the world. While recognizing that enhancing national security and protecting our country’s citizens are critical goals, our companies rely on the skilled talent of U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, and immigrants alike. Our nation’s actions and words should support their participation in the American economy.

ESA offers a wide range of services to interactive entertainment software publishers, including conducting business and consumer research, providing legal and policy analysis and advocacy on First Amendment, intellectual property and technology/e-commerce issues, managing a global content protection program, owning and operating E3 and representing video game industry interests in federal and state government relations. For more information, visit ESA’s website or follow us on Twitter at @RichatESA or @ESAGovAffairs.