Gaming With Heather: inFamous and the Test of Time

Gaming With Heather inFamous

If you caught last week’s article, you know I mentioned my huge backlog of PlayStation games. I didn’t go into too much detail, but the unfortunate truth is that they are not all Indie games. Some games in my backlog are pretty major first party PlayStation 3 titles. Yes, Sarah has inspired me to admit to my shame as well. So this week I am finally getting around to playing inFamous, but I seem to be several years too late.

I’m sure you’re wondering if there is such as thing as too late with such acclaimed PlayStation 3 titles. I think there very well is, and I’m definitely having a hard time adjusting my mindset. With the PS4 right around the corner, some of these games have not stood the test of time as well as others. This is especially true with games in a series for me, and sometimes it’s easier to start with the most recent. Some people may cringe at the idea of playing a series out of order. I think it isn’t for everyone, but it can definitely give you that push you need in order to actually make it through the first games.

Needless to say, I am having these feelings towards inFamous. This game appears to be a perfect example of games that get better the second time around, or at least that is what I hear. I was urged to go straight to the second game and then back to the first. Ideally, I would prefer to play them in their original order but I’m not sure that is realistic just because of current video game expectations. Again, I just have a hard time getting into the mindset to appreciate older games that I didn’t already play and loved.

I am, however, having a lot of fun playing through inFamous, but I definitely have my gripes. I guess it can be expected at this point in time, but I am also hoping I feel different once I get to inFamous 2. I am only about 4-5 hours into the game so it may be too early, but I hope the combat gets more fun. Playing the game as evil Cole has helped tremendously, because I don’t have to worry too much about my actions because being bad is easy. There is usually only one rule and that is to destroy everything and everyone. If you happened to catch me streaming this though, you will notice that this rule does not apply to the game characters giving you side missions. I learned this the hard way. Despite all of my griping and raging I am curious to see how the story progresses and to move on to InFamous 2.

Be sure to check back next week for my final opinion and thoughts on inFamous and as always my next PlayStation adventure!


Do you have a hard time playing games that may not have aged well despite their critical acclaim? What are your thoughts on playing games in a series out of order?